Data literacy for citizenry: A few policy recommendations from a literature review

Edutec. Revista Electrónica De Tecnología Educativa

An analysis of a corpus of 39 empirical and theoretical studies. 

Game-based Networked Learning

Proceedings for the Thirteenth International Conference on Networked Learning 2022

The paper outlines the main principles guiding the design of DALI experiences.

Developing the DALI Data Literacy Framework for critical citizenry

RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia

The framework provides a comprehensive perspective on the key elements of data literacy and their interrelationships.

Co-creating pedagogically informed games for data literacy

Revista de Educación

This article explores the co-creation of educational games for data literacy in the framework of the DALI project.

Tracing Data Literacy: Finding New Literacies for Data Times

ECER 2022, Yerevan

Data in various forms permeates and centrally shapes the life of everyone all over the globe. 

From Data Abundance to Informed Citizenship: The Empowering Potential of the Dali Life Game for Data Literacy.

Proceedings of the 15th IMCL Conference

This paper presents and evaluates the Dali Life game as a multimodal digital tool designed to empower citizens data literacy.

Conceptualizando la alfabetización en datos: el marco DALI

EDUTEC 2022 Palma

En el día a día la población adulta interactúa en multitud de contextos y diferentes dispositivos con las tecnologías digitales.

Data Literacy for Citizenry

Symposium on AI, Data and Digitalization

Global society is experiencing the digitalization, which again leads to something which is often referred to as datafication of society.



Svenja Bedenlier, warum sollten wir uns mehr um unsere Daten kümmern?

Podcast des Bildungszentrums Nürnberg

“Der kompetente Umgang mit Daten ist wichtig für unsere Demokratie”

Juegos DALI


A continuación, encontrarás los distintos juegos desarrollados en el proyecto DALI para fomentar la alfabetización de datos en adultos. 

Data Literacy in Europe


The EU Project “DALI: Data Literacy for Citizenship” works to unlock opportunities across educational spaces.

Data literacy for citizenship – a playful learning journey

Media & Learning

Data is everywhere. But oftentimes, we stop questioning it. The DALI games can get you started with data literacy

Unlocking data literacy: a deep dive into the DALI toolkit

EPALE Resource

With the DALI project reaching its end, the DALI toolkit is now available to the public. Educators and adult learners will have the opportunity to consult, download and print our resources.

Desbloquear la alfabetización de datos: una inmersión profunda en el conjunto de herramientas DALI


A punto de terminar el poyecto DALI, the kit de recursos DALI ya está a disposición del público. 

How can we promote Data Literacy?


The DALI project offers a range of recommendations, spanning from macro-level policy suggestions to guidelines for educators, aimed at promoting data literacy within our communities. 

Hvordan kan vi fremme Data Literacy?


DALI-prosjektet tilbyr en rekke anbefalinger, som spenner fra policyanbefalinger på makronivå til retningslinjer for undervisere, med formålet om å fremme data literacy i våre lokalsamfunn.

«Podemos generar conocimiento con los datos que dejamos en Internet»

Diario de Ibiza

Gemma Tur ha testeado con sus alumnos de la UIB y de la UOM los juegos DaLi de alfabetización digital.

Juegos para que los mayores mejoren sus competencias en gestión de datos en internet?

Cadena SER

La profesora del departamento de Pedagogía Aplicada y Psicología de la Educación de la UIB, Gemma Tur, explica todos los detalles del proyecto DaLi. 

Empowering adult learners for the digital world through games


Adult educators and researchers from four European countries gathered to play the DALI games and share ideas on playful strategies for data literacy.

Playing to Foster Data Literacy


Increasing European citizens’ data literacy through playful learning approaches is at the heart of the project “Data Literacy for Citizenship”.

DALI-prosjektet: Hvordan fremme data literacy for voksne gjennom spill


Spillbasert læring kan fremme data literacy og støtte voksne borgere i å navigere og delta i dagens datarike verden.

The DALI Framework: the journey to create a Data Literacy Framework


Data literacy is an important aspect of citizens’ life in a digital and datafied society.

Can you escape data? Fostering data literacy in European adult education

The Media & Learning Association

Data is all around us – in our personal and professional lives. We both provide and use data constantly…

DATABOX: New researcher developing immersive educational game

SLATE Research Blog

SLATE’s new Researcher on the DALI project, Yann Mariton, has started developing an immersive educational game for people who want to learn more about data!

Fostering Data Literacy in European Adult Education


Fostering data literacy through adult education broadly ensures that individuals navigate competently in today’s data-rich world.

La Seu Universitària d’Eivissa i Formentera acull una reunió del projecte ERASMUS+ Data Literacy for Citizenship

Concluding the DALI Journey: The Multiplier Events

DALI Project Website

The DALI partners arranged a number of local multiplier events and workshops in their countries to share and celebrate the DALI project and it’s final results.

The DALI Learning, Teaching and Training Event in Bergen

DALI Project Website

The transnational LTT event at the University of Bergen, brought together adult educators and other stakeholders from Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom and Norway, as well as the DALI partners. 

DALI Transnational Meeting at Universitat de les Illes Balears in Ibiza

DALI Project Website

In May 2023, the University of the Balearic Islands arranged a transnational DALI project meeting in Ibiza. 

DALI started the year with a transnational meeting in FAU, university whose campus are distributed through Nürnberg, Erlangen and Fürth, and hosted by Innovation in Learning Institute (ILI).



SLATE Research Blog

The Data Literacy for Citizenship (DALI) Erasmus+ project aims to increase data literacy in adults by using game-based learning strategies. In September…

Transnational DALI Partner Meeting in Bergen

DALI Project Website

 SLATE arranged a transnational DALI project planning meeting in Bergen, inviting representatives from all their DALI partner universities. 

Los socios del proyecto Erasmus+ DALI para el desarrollo y mejora de la competencia de datos de los ciudadanos se reúnen en Murcia 

Universidad de Murcia

El proyecto DALI (Data Literacy for Citizenship) tiene como objetivo empoderar a las personas adultas.

DALI transnational meeting in Murcia

DALI Project Website

The University of Murcia hosted a transnational DALI project meeting in May 2022. 

DALI’s 2022 Kickoff Meeting

DALI Project Website

The University of Coventry hosted a week-long series of transnational meetings and games workshops for DALI project members and key personnel.

DALI project board game prototype testing in Bergen

SLATE Research Blog

In September, SLATE arranged a participatory design exercise in Bergen, to test an early prototype of a board game developed as part of the Data Literacy for Citizenship…


Lanzamiento del proyecto Erasmus+ DALI para el desarrollo y mejora de la competencia de datos de los ciudadanos 

Universidad de Murcia

Vivimos en una sociedad digital en la que las competencias básicas no son suficientes y nos enfrentamos al reto de formar a los ciudadanos en la búsqueda de información, evaluación y gestión gran cantidad de datos y contenidos digitales.

Kickoff for ERASMUS+ Project DALI: Data Literacy For Citizens

SLATE Research Blog

On January 12th we held the (virtual) kickoff meeting for our exciting new Erasmus+ project on data literacy with collaborators from our four partners: Coventry University, Universidad de Murcia, Freidrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen Nurenberg, and Universitat de les Illes Balears.

¿Qué es DALI?

Universidad de Murcia

DALI es un proyecto Erasmus + de Acción Estratégica para la Educación de Adultos (KA204-076492) coordinado por la universidad de Bergen y en el que participan otras cuatro universidades europeas: Coventry University (Reino Unido), Friedrich- Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Alemania), Universitat de les Illes Balears (España) y Universidad de Murcia (España).

Data has a better idea

Coventry University

In a digital world where data is ever more ubiquitous, and almost every app and service gathers different data about us, it’s more critical than ever for people to understand the role of this data — and the algorithms behind it — in our lives.

DaLi – Data Literacy for Citizenship

ILI Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU)

Empowering individuals with data literacy

Data Literacy for Citizenship

SLATE, University of Bergen

In a digital world where data are more than ever ubiquitous, almost every app and every service is collecting data about people, and that people can access an immense amount of data…

To strategiske partnerskap til UiB

Uinversity of Bergen (UiBe)

To professorer fra Universitetet i Bergen får millionstøtte gjennom Erasmus+ til prosjektene sine.

DALI Project

Erasmus + EU

In a digital world where data are more than ever ubiquitous, almost every app and every service is collecting data about people, and that people can access an immense amount of data…